Exploratory study of potential change on the feeling with mathematics of pre-service elementary teachers
Exploratory study of potential change on the feeling with mathematics of pre-service elementary teachers
- Thomas Lecorre, Université CY Cergy-Paris, France
- Imène Ghedamsi-Lecorre, Université de Tunis, Tunisie
Pre-service elementary school teachers in France are mostly non-scientific students and their feelings with mathematics are often made of reluctance and mistrust. An experimentation in the first year of mathematic courses was realised with the aim of changing positively these feelings. This article shows the impact of mobilizing student’s rationality and emotions about mathematical notions.
Pre-service elementary school teachers in France are mostly non-scientific students and their feelings with mathematics are often made of reluctance and mistrust. An experimentation in the first year of mathematic courses was realised with the aim of changing positively these feelings. This article shows the impact of mobilizing student’s rationality and emotions about mathematical notions.
mathematics, pre-service elementary teachers, rationality, feelings, scientific debate
To cite this article
Lecorre, T. et Ghedamsi-Lecorre, I. (2021). Exploratory study of potential change on the feeling with mathematics of pre-service elementary teachers. Formation et profession, 29(1), 1-14. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.581