Comparison of Future Teachers’ Perception of Professional Requirements at the End of Year One, Two and Three of Their Primary Teacher Education Program in Zurich (Switzerland)

Comparison of Future Teachers’ Perception of Professional Requirements at the End of Year One, Two and Three of Their Primary Teacher Education Program in Zurich (Switzerland)

  • Manuela Keller-Schneider, HEP Zurich, Suisse
  • Melanie Buser, HEP-BEJUNE & Université de Montréal, Suisse
  • Adriana Morales-Perlaza, Université de Montréal, Canada

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We present the results of a research conducted among future Swiss teachers from Zurich (Switzerland). Based on a longitudinal approach involving three sessions of data collection, 153 students from a single cohort completed a questionnaire at three points during their teacher training: in the first, second and third year. The EABest-K tool (Keller-Schneider, 2014) consists of 29 questions covering seven areas of professional requirements, each evaluated from three angles by the students: the degree to which a requirement is considered as a challenge, the experience of competence with regard to this requirement and the perception of its relevance. We conclude with avenues for a consecutive Canadian-Swiss research project.


We present the results of a research conducted among future Swiss teachers from Zurich (Switzerland). Based on a longitudinal approach involving three sessions of data collection, 153 students from a single cohort completed a questionnaire at three points during their teacher training: in the first, second and third year. The EABest-K tool (Keller-Schneider, 2014) consists of 29 questions covering seven areas of professional requirements, each evaluated from three angles by the students: the degree to which a requirement is considered as a challenge, the experience of competence with regard to this requirement and the perception of its relevance. We conclude with avenues for a consecutive Canadian-Swiss research project.


teachers, competence, professional development, job requirements, evolution of job requirements’ perception

To cite this article

Keller-Schneider, M., Buser, M. et Morales-Perlaza, A. (2021). Comparison of Future Teachers’ Perception of Professional Requirements at the End of Year One, Two and Three of Their Primary Teacher Education Program in Zurich (Switzerland). Formation et profession, 29(3), 1-17.