Teachers’ attitudes towards homework in Lebanon

Teachers’ attitudes towards homework in Lebanon

  • Wassim El-Khatib, Université Libanaise, Liban
  • Nisrine Sawli, Conseil de l’éducation créative, Finlande

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.610


This article aimed at investigating teachers’ attitudes of French language and other subjects taught in French towards homework in both public and private primary schools of Lebanon. Data were collected through analysis of a questionnaire sent to teachers. The findings indicate teacher’s attachment to school homework and reveal at the same time a lack of consensus on the practice of this activity that may differ between schools and levels.


This article aimed at investigating teachers’ attitudes of French language and other subjects taught in French towards homework in both public and private primary schools of Lebanon. Data were collected through analysis of a questionnaire sent to teachers. The findings indicate teacher’s attachment to school homework and reveal at the same time a lack of consensus on the practice of this activity that may differ between schools and levels.


educational system, homework, teachers’ attitudes, lebanese

To cite this article

El-Khatib, W. et Sawli, N. (2021). Teachers’ attitudes towards homework in Lebanon. Formation et profession, 29(1), 1-15. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.610