Elements for Archeology of Professionalization Policies : The Case of Public Agricultural Education in France

Elements for Archeology of Professionalization Policies : The Case of Public Agricultural Education in France

  • Jean-François Marcel, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, France
  • Laurent Faure, ENSFEA, Université de Toulouse, France
  • Cécile Gardies, ENSFEA, Université de Toulouse, France

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.638


The text documents the chronology of the deployment of professionalization policies within the French agricultural education system, bringing together a little more than 200 public establishments and nearly 600 private establishments. It offers an archeology of these policies, that is to say, the unveiling of the different periods of their deployment. The choice is to frame the analysis on the official and institutional speech that supports and drives these policies (legal texts, provisional plans and circulars, decrees). The analysis sheds lights on three distinct periods: a preparatory phase, the professionalization of the establishment and the professionalization of professors.


The text documents the chronology of the deployment of professionalization policies within the French agricultural education system, bringing together a little more than 200 public establishments and nearly 600 private establishments. It offers an archeology of these policies, that is to say, the unveiling of the different periods of their deployment. The choice is to frame the analysis on the official and institutional speech that supports and drives these policies (legal texts, provisional plans and circulars, decrees). The analysis sheds lights on three distinct periods: a preparatory phase, the professionalization of the establishment and the professionalization of professors.


france, agricultural education, professionalization policies, official texts, periods

To cite this article

Marcel, J.-F., Faure, L. et Gardies, C. (2021). Elements for Archeology of Professionalization Policies : The Case of Public Agricultural Education in France. Formation et profession, 29(3), 1-28. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.638