The training of new generation of secondary school teachers in Morocco

The training of new generation of secondary school teachers in Morocco

  • Ibrahim Bouabdallah, Centre régional des métiers de l’éducation et de la formation - Oujda, Maroc
  • Mohamed REDA TAZI, Centre régional des métiers de l’éducation et de la formation - Oujda, Maroc
  • Abdesselem Ayoujil, Centre régional des métiers de l’éducation et de la formation - Oujda, Maroc

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Morocco has launched in 2016 a new teacher training reform in a context characterized by poor performance of learners and massive teacher retirements. Its implementation was accompanied by several substitutions and groupings. This article applied meta-analysis of a corpus composed of official documents and researches, draws an inventory of various training actions. Results reveal a diversity of involved establishments; the advantage of the consecutive model; an evolution of course contents in face-to-face training; a practical training followed by several actors; and poor distance training when it comes to skills upgrading.


Morocco has launched in 2016 a new teacher training reform in a context characterized by poor performance of learners and massive teacher retirements. Its implementation was accompanied by several substitutions and groupings. This article applied meta-analysis of a corpus composed of official documents and researches, draws an inventory of various training actions. Results reveal a diversity of involved establishments; the advantage of the consecutive model; an evolution of course contents in face-to-face training; a practical training followed by several actors; and poor distance training when it comes to skills upgrading.


establishment, initial training, qualifying training, teacher, secondary cycle

To cite this article

Bouabdallah, I., REDA TAZI, M. et Ayoujil, A. (2023). The training of new generation of secondary school teachers in Morocco. Formation et profession, 31(2), 1-16.