Descriptive Analysis of the E-Textbook Situation in Quebec

Descriptive Analysis of the E-Textbook Situation in Quebec

  • Normand Roy, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Priscilla Boyer, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada
  • Monique Lebrun, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Ghislain Samson, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada

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In this study, we will describe and compare the digital components present in Quebec’s e-textbooks for five different subject matters between 2015 and 2018. To do so, we analyzed 133 e-textbooks from secondary 1 to 5 using different observation grids. The added value of technology in e-textbooks was assessed based on three categories: hypertextualization (intertextuality, hypertextuality and hypertext), multimodality (videos, images and animations) and interaction (feedback, activities and simulation). Results showed that half of the e-textbooks are only digitized versions of the paper textbooks. The other half introduce different varieties of multimedia. To conclude, we will propose a reflection on the value of e-textbooks in the high school system.


In this study, we will describe and compare the digital components present in Quebec’s e-textbooks for five different subject matters between 2015 and 2018. To do so, we analyzed 133 e-textbooks from secondary 1 to 5 using different observation grids. The added value of technology in e-textbooks was assessed based on three categories: hypertextualization (intertextuality, hypertextuality and hypertext), multimodality (videos, images and animations) and interaction (feedback, activities and simulation). Results showed that half of the e-textbooks are only digitized versions of the paper textbooks. The other half introduce different varieties of multimedia. To conclude, we will propose a reflection on the value of e-textbooks in the high school system.


e-textbook, digital resources, high school system, added value

To cite this article

Roy, N., Boyer, P., Lebrun, M. et Samson, G. (2022). Descriptive Analysis of the E-Textbook Situation in Quebec. Formation et profession, 30(2), 1-17.