Professional Interaction in a Teacher Education Practicum Between Cooperating Teacher and Pre-service Teacher

Professional Interaction in a Teacher Education Practicum Between Cooperating Teacher and Pre-service Teacher

  • François Vandercleyen, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Pierre Boudreau, Université d'Ottawa, Canada

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This research focuses on the relationship between a cooperating teacher and a preservice teacher during a practicum in teacher education. The lens used is the theoretical framework of “Interaction professionnelle” suggested by St Arnaud (2003). Interviews, formal and informal feedbacks recorded, non participant observation notes were the main traces used to write this narrative. The interaction fluctuated over the five weeks of the practicum from a service type of interaction to a pressure one with a period where it could be described as an implicit cooperating one. The mutual sharing of expectations emerged as the main defining factor of the interaction.


This research focuses on the relationship between a cooperating teacher and a preservice teacher during a practicum in teacher education. The lens used is the theoretical framework of “Interaction professionnelle” suggested by St Arnaud (2003). Interviews, formal and informal feedbacks recorded, non participant observation notes were the main traces used to write this narrative. The interaction fluctuated over the five weeks of the practicum from a service type of interaction to a pressure one with a period where it could be described as an implicit cooperating one. The mutual sharing of expectations emerged as the main defining factor of the interaction.


professional interaction, cooperating teacher, practicum, service, pressure cooperating interaction, expectations

To cite this article

Vandercleyen, F. et Boudreau, P. (2022). Professional Interaction in a Teacher Education Practicum Between Cooperating Teacher and Pre-service Teacher. Formation et profession, 30(2), 1-13.