Teacher support and student motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Teacher support and student motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Noémie Baudoin, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique
  • Sébastien Dellisse, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique
  • Dominique Lafontaine, Université de Liège, Belgique
  • Liesje Coertjens, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique
  • Françoise Crépin, Université de Liège, Belgique
  • Ariane Baye, Université de Liège, Belgique
  • Benoît Galand, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.688


This study examines teachers’ methods for assigning schoolwork and maintaining social ties during the COVID-19 pandemic in Frenchspeaking Belgium. It also investigates the effects on motivation in secondary-school students who could not attend school in person. The results highlight the importance of supporting teachers and indicate that students who are frequently assigned schoolwork but have few contacts with teachers feel less capable of accomplishing their work.


This study examines teachers’ methods for assigning schoolwork and maintaining social ties during the COVID-19 pandemic in Frenchspeaking Belgium. It also investigates the effects on motivation in secondary-school students who could not attend school in person. The results highlight the importance of supporting teachers and indicate that students who are frequently assigned schoolwork but have few contacts with teachers feel less capable of accomplishing their work.


teaching practices, motivation, pandemic, remote learning

To cite this article

Baudoin, N., Dellisse, S., Lafontaine, D., Coertjens, L., Crépin, F., Baye, A. et Galand, B. (2020). Teacher support and student motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Formation et profession, 28(4 hors-série), 1-13. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.688