Development of support for university professors in the Web 2.0 era: feedback on experiences with digital referents

Development of support for university professors in the Web 2.0 era: feedback on experiences with digital referents

  • Chrysta PELISSIER, Université de Montpellier, France

doi : 10.18162/fp.2020.699


This article reports the results of an inquiry into the support function of digital referents for university professors in the Web 2.0 era. Conducted in collaboration with the Observatoire de la Transformation Pédagogique par le numérique (OTPn), the study is based on Vygotsky’s cognitive developmental theory. The results of interviews held at the end of a confinement period are presented. The support function is defined by three hypotheses: it is guided by individual objectives; it operates within a learning community network; and it promotes individual autonomy.


This article reports the results of an inquiry into the support function of digital referents for university professors in the Web 2.0 era. Conducted in collaboration with the Observatoire de la Transformation Pédagogique par le numérique (OTPn), the study is based on Vygotsky’s cognitive developmental theory. The results of interviews held at the end of a confinement period are presented. The support function is defined by three hypotheses: it is guided by individual objectives; it operates within a learning community network; and it promotes individual autonomy.


support, digital referent, confinement, professor, mission

To cite this article

PELISSIER, C. (2020). Development of support for university professors in the Web 2.0 era: feedback on experiences with digital referents. Formation et profession, 28(4 hors-série), 1-12.