Towards a Definition of the Integrated Approach of French

Towards a Definition of the Integrated Approach of French

  • Emmanuelle Soucy, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada

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Advocating an integrated approach of French has been desired for many years. A large number of studies have shown connections between the different language skills. In relation they enrich each other. But what exactly do we know about this approach? Few writings attempt to really define it. This article relates different characteristics of the integrated approach of French in order to propose an operational definition.


Advocating an integrated approach of French has been desired for many years. A large number of studies have shown connections between the different language skills. In relation they enrich each other. But what exactly do we know about this approach? Few writings attempt to really define it. This article relates different characteristics of the integrated approach of French in order to propose an operational definition.


conceptual analysis, language skills connections, integrated approach of french, language skills

To cite this article

Soucy, E. (2022). Towards a Definition of the Integrated Approach of French. Formation et profession, 30(3), 1-14.