From the Treatment of Homosexuality to the Fight Against Homophobia in Primary School in France. Representations and Practices of Teacher-Trainees in their Classroom Conduct.

From the Treatment of Homosexuality to the Fight Against Homophobia in Primary School in France. Representations and Practices of Teacher-Trainees in their Classroom Conduct.

  • Michaël Bailleul, Université de Lille, France
  • Sylvain Obajtek, Université de Lille, France

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In this paper, we propose interrogating the ways in which beginning teachers address homophobia as they start their careers. We explore which values of the French Republic serve as either levers or obstacles to challenging this form of discrimination. From a qualitative survey, we highlight that because homophobia remains a «taboo», young teachers develop various types of adaptive practices: personal avoidance strategies, generalized awareness raising and targeted educational practices aimed at fighting homophobia.


In this paper, we propose interrogating the ways in which beginning teachers address homophobia as they start their careers. We explore which values of the French Republic serve as either levers or obstacles to challenging this form of discrimination. From a qualitative survey, we highlight that because homophobia remains a «taboo», young teachers develop various types of adaptive practices: personal avoidance strategies, generalized awareness raising and targeted educational practices aimed at fighting homophobia.


primary school, pedagogical practices, homophobia, trainee teachers, social representations

To cite this article

Bailleul, M. et Obajtek, S. (2022). From the Treatment of Homosexuality to the Fight Against Homophobia in Primary School in France. Representations and Practices of Teacher-Trainees in their Classroom Conduct. Formation et profession, 30(2), 1-15.