Declared Practices of Didactic Uses of Children’s Books: in Primary School and in Teacher Training

Declared Practices of Didactic Uses of Children’s Books: in Primary School and in Teacher Training

  • Rachel DeRoy-Ringuette, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada
  • Isabelle Montésinos-Gelet, Université de Montréal, Canada

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This article deals with different uses of picturebooks for teaching and learning of French, as reported by expert primary school teachers (n=7) and French teaching instructors (n=5). These reported practices come from semi-structured interviews that are part of a four phases designed-based research project. While this designed-based research is divided in four phases, only a part of the first phase is detailed here. In fact, the semi-structured interviews concern criterias and uses of picturebooks, but only the uses are retained here and the results show that the expertise of the participants has an impact on their practices with the picturebooks.


This article deals with different uses of picturebooks for teaching and learning of French, as reported by expert primary school teachers (n=7) and French teaching instructors (n=5). These reported practices come from semi-structured interviews that are part of a four phases designed-based research project. While this designed-based research is divided in four phases, only a part of the first phase is detailed here. In fact, the semi-structured interviews concern criterias and uses of picturebooks, but only the uses are retained here and the results show that the expertise of the participants has an impact on their practices with the picturebooks.


teaching and learning of french, children’s picturebooks, primary schools teachers, lecturer

To cite this article

DeRoy-Ringuette, R. et Montésinos-Gelet, I. (2023). Declared Practices of Didactic Uses of Children’s Books: in Primary School and in Teacher Training. Formation et profession, 31(1), 1-15.