How Are Supervisors’ Professional Judgments Constructed When Evaluating a Practicum with the Student? An Explanatory Model

How Are Supervisors’ Professional Judgments Constructed When Evaluating a Practicum with the Student? An Explanatory Model

  • Oliver Maes, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique
  • Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique
  • Stéphane Colognesi, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique

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This contribution proposes a model presenting the construction of professional judgement by supervisors during the co-assessment of initial teacher training courses in French-speaking Belgium. The originality of this model stemming from doctoral research lies, on the one hand, in its progressive construction from conceptual advances based on a literature review and the results of three qualitative empirical studies conducted in the framework of this research. On the other hand, it lies in the process of analysis and validation carried out in a concerted manner with a collaborative research group.


This contribution proposes a model presenting the construction of professional judgement by supervisors during the co-assessment of initial teacher training courses in French-speaking Belgium. The originality of this model stemming from doctoral research lies, on the one hand, in its progressive construction from conceptual advances based on a literature review and the results of three qualitative empirical studies conducted in the framework of this research. On the other hand, it lies in the process of analysis and validation carried out in a concerted manner with a collaborative research group.


initial teacher training, internship, professional judgment, co-assessment, supervisor

To cite this article

Maes, O., Van Nieuwenhoven, C. et Colognesi, S. (2023). How Are Supervisors’ Professional Judgments Constructed When Evaluating a Practicum with the Student? An Explanatory Model. Formation et profession, 31(1), 1-15.