Exploring the Relationship Between Socio-Demographic and Academic Variables: Elementary School Students’ Performance and Teachers’ Perception of Learning Difficulties in Mathematics

Exploring the Relationship Between Socio-Demographic and Academic Variables: Elementary School Students’ Performance and Teachers’ Perception of Learning Difficulties in Mathematics

  • Thomas Rajotte, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
  • Raphaelle Dufour, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
  • Émilie Boivin, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2024.802


In this research, we verified what are the main explanatory factors underlying student performance in mathematics as well as the factors in relation to teachers’ perception of learning difficulties in this discipline. To this end, we implemented a correlational research design involving the participation of nineteen teachers and 262 primary school students. The regression analyzes carried out show that the performance in solving a written questionnaire in mathematics is mainly related to reading skills as well as the school grade of the students. Furthermore, the teacher’s perception of student performance in mathematics is essentially related to the low-income indicator.


In this research, we verified what are the main explanatory factors underlying student performance in mathematics as well as the factors in relation to teachers’ perception of learning difficulties in this discipline. To this end, we implemented a correlational research design involving the participation of nineteen teachers and 262 primary school students. The regression analyzes carried out show that the performance in solving a written questionnaire in mathematics is mainly related to reading skills as well as the school grade of the students. Furthermore, the teacher’s perception of student performance in mathematics is essentially related to the low-income indicator.


learning difficulties, mathematics performance, explanatory perspective, perception, socio-demographic variables

To cite this article

Rajotte, T., Dufour, R. et Boivin, É. (2024). Exploring the Relationship Between Socio-Demographic and Academic Variables: Elementary School Students’ Performance and Teachers’ Perception of Learning Difficulties in Mathematics. Formation et profession, 32(1), 1-18. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2024.802